Kristin, Isabella, and I had an art day. We had so much fun!!! I LOVE creating with my girls!!!

This painting Kristin and I did was on a piece of wood. Kristin covered the wood with tissue paper first, then she added vintage sheet music for the tree. We worked on this for two days.

Kristin is so creative, but on day two she was not feeling well :(. I had to help her a little more the second day........however she
did pick out all the colors, paper and flowers. This was her vision.

I am not sure why the colors did not come out very well in this photo, but I did get a new digital camera for Christmas.......
whooo hoooo!!!!

Isabella and I had so much fun doing her painting!!! She is
sooo cute and funny when she is creating!!! She loves to ask questions about art....... I have no idea where she gets that from...
lol ;).

I LOVE the colors Isabella picked out, she is just like her mommy......we LOVE

Isabella lost her two front teeth just in time for Christmas. She is still able to enjoy chocolate~that is my girl...
lol!!!I hope all of you beautiful blogger friends had a WONDERFUL Christmas and New Year!!! My hubby made my Christmas the BEST one I have ever had!!! HAPPY DAY!!!